Discover the role of social media in modern financial planning and how financial planners can use it to build a strong online presence, share information and resources, generate leads, and more. Learn how to use social media to establish trust and credibility, and attract potential clients.
Learn the right way to use social media as a financial planner. Understand the importance of creating a strategy, building your brand, engaging with clients and promoting services in a professional and compliant manner.
Did you know that people have to be exposed to a brand five to seven times to remember it? This means your brand needs to be strong, consistent, and everywhere. Knowing where to start with branding your company can be murky, which is why we’ve created this ultimate guide to branding your business. What is Branding? Branding is the essence of your company. It’s those visual and audio cues, like the company name, slogan, and logo, that stick in the buyer’s mind. Branding is what keeps your company relevant in the consumer’s mind and worthy of discussion. It encompasses your…